The Brew 2nd edition : Rejuvenate
The Cosmic Forecast
Have you been feeling irritable? Lost in thought and feelings? Blame the planets above, Jupiter, Venous, Mars, Saturn, and Moon are all in alignment. All together spinning around energies mixing together. All have an affect on us. You will feel more sensitive emotional and possibly physically. On top of the planets do this Solar flares from the sun are still continuing. What does this mean for you during this week? Emotions coming up that you have been repressing. Childhood memories coming up and triggering your emotions and feelings. You will ether feel tired or lots of energy. Irritable or easily triggered by others. A spiritual awakening should take place if you are open to this happening. What should you do to get through this week? A few suggestions are, Journal your feelings, what is triggering you, what thoughts are coming up. Shadow work would be a perfect right now with high energies and frequency getting to know your self what these emotions are coming from. Cleanse your house from negativity. Meditation to clear your thoughts and confusion. The end of this week the 30th the second new moon of the month. The beginning of the Gateway masculine energy to come through. New energy and transformation begins. A time for renewal and setting new goals. Revise your planes and set your sites on what you want to manifest. Make a vison board of what you want your life to be like and set steps on how to get there. Only you can manifest what your life should be like and you are in control of your realty.
Tarot card of the week
The Star is the card of the week. Very fitting for everything that is going on in the Cosmos. The star means Hope, Faith, and Rejuvenation. The star will guide us through the cosmic energies that takes a tole on us. What every darkness arises in us will only help us shine brighter. With out the darkness we can not see the stars beauty. Set your sites high on your goals the Star will guide your path and will see you through. There is hope in the madness. Have faith in your self and the universe to see you through. During this time take time to fill up your cup and rejuvenate your soul. Soul search and see if the path you are taking is truly for you. If you ever feel lost this week. Look up to stars they will guide you out of the darkness.
Ritual for the Week
With everything that is going on this week. I did not want to share a huge ritual. There are simple little things you can do in the morning or evening that are still rituals. My favorite simple one in the morning that starts my day up is my tea ritual. I pick out my favorite coffee cup. Pick what tea I think is going to serve me best for the day. I speak with gratitude for Earth element for awakening my body. Water to warm up my soul in my favorite tea pot. Thank the elements for mixing together and helping with my day. After the tea is poured. 3 times clock wise speak what you want manifested this day. 3 times counter clockwise speak what no longer serves you and to banish. I tap each edge of the cup in a star formation for protection for the day. You are done. Very simple and easy. It gets your mind set and speaks your intention for the day. Thank the Gods for there blessings, you are off for the day.
Message from Madam Laken
This week has so much going on, you want to duck your head and hide. The message I am receiving this week is this my pretties. Take care of your self. It is not selfish to take time for you. Feel your cup up so you can care for others. The energies are going to fixed up this week. Ground yourself go for a walk, journal, take a nice bath. Do what makes you feel happy. This is not selfishness its self care. No one should make you feel guilty for taking care of yourself. Get some extra rest. Mediate for a little longer than normal. Journal your feelings and drink coffee that warms your heart. Self care should be first on your list this week. To help ground yourself and care for the other people around you. Will help with the emotions and feelings of the energy around. Remember your feelings are valid and should not be ignored take note of what you are feeling and why. Remember you are not crazy I promise, be a little more gentle with yourself and kind to others. We are all going on this ride together.
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