My Nursing story: don't let anyone tell you who you can become.
I have debated on telling this story for a while. But, it is in my heart to tell. I feel someone needs to hear it. Not to feel sorry for me or pity. I want this story to inspire. To raise awareness on mental health what you can accomplish. That even a depressed, anxious, self destructing person can become a person that cares for others. Can be someone else hero. That person was me. I have dyslexia, (in case no one noticed in my writing). I have anxiety and over coming depression. Guess what I am also a nurse. (For those just coming in to the blog. welcome) Not to toot my horn but a good one to. I write and that was something I was told as a child I would never do. But also was told I would never have a calculator hanging around ether and look at smart phones. Take that Mrs. Carver!! Sorry but, did not have a lot of teachers believe in me as a kid. So I grew up not believing in my self. But, as I got older moved to a different school. That got a ...