Find Your Grace
As humans we really seem to be very hard on ourselves. We have to be the very best on everything but still doesnt seem to be enough. We have to have the top likes on facebook. The most beautiful pictures edit and perfect on Instgram. The perfect mother who bakes cookies and keeps house perfect while working full time. The go to dad who handles the house business keeps the family happy. Not to mention both trying to keep a social life with friends and not just the latest episode of mikey mouse club house. Life has gotten to be one big compatiton. A rat race for perfection. Because hay is that not what we are supposed to be? The perfect family. The perfect body. The perfect pictures. The perfect job and role. Absolutely PERFECT!! Right? Stop!! Just STOP! Stop nodding your head saying yes my friend. I am hear to tell you, that they rat race will drive you into a shrinks office. I have raced that race. I have tried t...