Its Simply Meant to be

OK! something struck me very weird the other day. A friend asked me if Daniel and me ever fight. My answer was Daniel and me, we don't fight. Apparently we are weird for this. By the look on her face. Now I have always thought us being an odd couple. More like "Adams family" odd than, relationship in general odd. So has fighting with one another really became the norm? Really? How is that even a relationship? How is that the "Happily ever after" we have strive for sense Disney put out Snow White? Do not get me wrong we do disagree and have our moments of struggle. Every relationship does. But the yelling and fighting? That is not healthy my friend. In my experience when you get to the point you want to yell at the other person (boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, friend) Its because there is something you have been wanting say for a while. You clearly need to sit down and discuss before this has gotten to this point. Communication is so important in every relati...