Find Your Grace
As humans we really seem to be very hard on ourselves. We have to be the very best on everything but still doesnt seem to be enough. We have to have the top likes on facebook. The most beautiful pictures edit and perfect on Instgram. The perfect mother who bakes cookies and keeps house perfect while working full time. The go to dad who handles the house business keeps the family happy. Not to mention both trying to keep a social life with friends and not just the latest episode of mikey mouse club house. Life has gotten to be one big compatiton. A rat race for perfection. Because hay is that not what we are supposed to be? The perfect family. The perfect body. The perfect pictures. The perfect job and role. Absolutely PERFECT!! Right? Stop!! Just STOP! Stop nodding your head saying yes my friend. I am hear to tell you, that they rat race will drive you into a shrinks office. I have raced that race. I have tried to be the perfect mom and girlfriend. I about lost it! It is exhausting trying so hard to get everything HGTV perfect. Some off you might be able to juggle that and make that, people like me not so much.
I will never forget that day I about lost it. I was working a lot trying to save up for a camping trip with our friends. The dishes was pilled up, the laundry was staked high. I was exsusted. My poor boyfriend was working his tail end off getting everything together and he works nights. He does what he can to help and does great. I came home, Russ was throwing a 2yr old tamptrum. I was still answering things on my work phone. I fell too the floor and balled my eyes. I was at the end of my limit. Daniel came over in the kitchen and hugged me. He sat me down and told me, "you are trying too hard baby, you are wonderful and beautiful. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Your pushing yourself in to an early grave and I want more adventures with you and Russ." Now I dont give him enough credit and say enough on how right he is on this. I push too hard and run myself to the ground. I wanted to give him the perfect house and be the perfect girlfriend. I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong as a mom for Russ to be so fussy. No matter what I did the house seemed to be a hot mess. I never had time to clean it because I worked all the time. something had to give. I found an amazing book that saved mylife. "Grace not Perfection." by Emily Ley.This book taught me a lot and saved my sanity.
Grace not Perfection is book about simply letting Grace take over and stop striving for perfection. It teaches you that life simply happens and it is ok. Stop getting frustrated with your self if you dont get the todo list done. Odds are you over loaded yourself that day. Stop beating yourself up that you have to buy cookies instead of baking them. They still taste good. Its ok not to be perfect we wasnt made to be that way. We was born to live simply in Gods Grace and love. To pass that on to others. Pass on Grace to people who fall out on there kitchen floor and cry. Find what brings you joy not everyone on facebook. I dont want the perfect white couch and walls that are in style on HGTV. I want ones my family to lay on be cozy. I like lived in house. My babies can play and not worry if grape juice shows. Find your Grace, where you are happy and dont feel so streched. I promise you it can happen.
First off look at your planer or phone see where can you lessen the load at? Where can you say no at? 2 very important parts in finding your Grace. Learn to say no its a power that everyone has and fail at times to do. No one will die because you say no, unless they CPR then yeah. Other wise its ok to say no. Its ok also to ask for help. Something that I have a hard time doing myself. I don't like leaning on others for help. I enjoy being miss independent. Then I remember even Wonder Woman needed help sometimes. Thats why there is the justice league so find yours. The other thing I found helpful in my strive for Grace. I learned something to this day I have a hard time with. Is simply "Let go, let God". Hand over what ever mountain or issue you cant seem to find the solution to on him. I to this day will admit I have a hard time with. It was the best decision I have made. Start there and the rest will work itself out. These are but a few tips in book you can find. I recommend reading the book of course but start with this for now.
Always remember friend you are your own greatest hero. Your choice are yours alone. That you have the power of choice. Give yourself some grace. You have to care for yourself before you take care of something else. Simple things to remember through your day. I hope this helps you friend. Dont forget to pick up the book where ever you get yours. There is also a work book that you can get with the book. Perfection is a mere illeusion. Grace is a real tangible thing. You can hold and own. Namaste.
I will never forget that day I about lost it. I was working a lot trying to save up for a camping trip with our friends. The dishes was pilled up, the laundry was staked high. I was exsusted. My poor boyfriend was working his tail end off getting everything together and he works nights. He does what he can to help and does great. I came home, Russ was throwing a 2yr old tamptrum. I was still answering things on my work phone. I fell too the floor and balled my eyes. I was at the end of my limit. Daniel came over in the kitchen and hugged me. He sat me down and told me, "you are trying too hard baby, you are wonderful and beautiful. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Your pushing yourself in to an early grave and I want more adventures with you and Russ." Now I dont give him enough credit and say enough on how right he is on this. I push too hard and run myself to the ground. I wanted to give him the perfect house and be the perfect girlfriend. I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong as a mom for Russ to be so fussy. No matter what I did the house seemed to be a hot mess. I never had time to clean it because I worked all the time. something had to give. I found an amazing book that saved mylife. "Grace not Perfection." by Emily Ley.This book taught me a lot and saved my sanity.
Grace not Perfection is book about simply letting Grace take over and stop striving for perfection. It teaches you that life simply happens and it is ok. Stop getting frustrated with your self if you dont get the todo list done. Odds are you over loaded yourself that day. Stop beating yourself up that you have to buy cookies instead of baking them. They still taste good. Its ok not to be perfect we wasnt made to be that way. We was born to live simply in Gods Grace and love. To pass that on to others. Pass on Grace to people who fall out on there kitchen floor and cry. Find what brings you joy not everyone on facebook. I dont want the perfect white couch and walls that are in style on HGTV. I want ones my family to lay on be cozy. I like lived in house. My babies can play and not worry if grape juice shows. Find your Grace, where you are happy and dont feel so streched. I promise you it can happen.
First off look at your planer or phone see where can you lessen the load at? Where can you say no at? 2 very important parts in finding your Grace. Learn to say no its a power that everyone has and fail at times to do. No one will die because you say no, unless they CPR then yeah. Other wise its ok to say no. Its ok also to ask for help. Something that I have a hard time doing myself. I don't like leaning on others for help. I enjoy being miss independent. Then I remember even Wonder Woman needed help sometimes. Thats why there is the justice league so find yours. The other thing I found helpful in my strive for Grace. I learned something to this day I have a hard time with. Is simply "Let go, let God". Hand over what ever mountain or issue you cant seem to find the solution to on him. I to this day will admit I have a hard time with. It was the best decision I have made. Start there and the rest will work itself out. These are but a few tips in book you can find. I recommend reading the book of course but start with this for now.
Always remember friend you are your own greatest hero. Your choice are yours alone. That you have the power of choice. Give yourself some grace. You have to care for yourself before you take care of something else. Simple things to remember through your day. I hope this helps you friend. Dont forget to pick up the book where ever you get yours. There is also a work book that you can get with the book. Perfection is a mere illeusion. Grace is a real tangible thing. You can hold and own. Namaste.
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