
So I am sitting in my jammies drinking hot coco scrolling through facebook of course. I'm seeing all these post of how the Corona virus has affected many people in different ways. Then see how divided we have become because we are ether considered essential or not. We are the heroes or the small business owners. That disturbed me. We are all essential in this world. This is affecting all of us. We should be coming together bringing each other up. 
I love Lauren Diagle I heard her song "look up child" I have not actually felt that song until now. We should all look up to him in the darkest times. He is the only one who can truly bring some light to this time. We should be his hands and bring some light to each other. Whether its asking a neighbor if they need something at the store as you go. Watching someone kids so they can go to work. Just bring donuts to work and coffee because we are working a lot during this hectic time. Bring light to each other. Just keep looking up to the Lord for he is the light.
The words "this is what we signed up for" has been thrown around so much. As well as "none-essintal". Those are way more offensive than "Quarantined" I'm sorry. Not really. This is not something anyone in there right mind would sign up for. I signed up to take care of people. Educate people. Inspire and coach people. That's why I'm a nurse and writer. I love to inspire with words and care for others. Not a pandemic. In these times I do get use my gifts and help others. I can not do that with out my coffee shop being open so I can get my day started. I cant be myself with out my hair being crazy as always. I definitely do not feel myself with out my yoga home to go to. You see they are all essential. We need small businesses to open and going so we can take care of others. We all have  gift or part to play in it all. I most definitely can not think right with out my counselor to go to. We have to feel our cups before I can feel another's. 
So my friends I am promoting a "Crowns" campaign. In these dark times shine same light on one another. Fix each others crown. Build each other up. When this is over promote a friends business or do it now! The "Crowns" campaign is a quote I seen on Facebook. "Fix another Queens crown, instead of telling the world it was even bent." We are fix each others crowns as king and queens of this world. So rais your crown high. Look to the king of kings. This too shall pass. Blessed be my friends.

I am missing my Godess of Coffee. Drive thru is not the same as going in to get coffee.


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