More than just pride movement: lets build this country back to a united states to be proud of

I try not to speak on politics or issues that could seem very controversial.  With every thing in the world going on. I felt I needed to speak what I believe to be truth. Not trying to offend anyone but to inspire some truth in this world. I can not stand by and stay quite when people are hurting one another. What was done to that poor man was terrible and unjust.  With the riots and looting. It appears our beautiful country is falling apart. When we should be coming together as a united states. When I first seen the video it broke my heart. I could not believe that someone could do that to another human being. I was outraged and heart broken that in 2020 there is still racism and hate in peoples hearts to other people. I am one that believes all lives and beliefs matter. We are all people and one race. If we are to be one we must look at the heart of people not the color of skin. Our history has shown that the  path that this country is going only leads to more fights and heart break. Children not coming home and family fall apart.  Black lives matter! Hispanic lives matter! Asian lives matter! European Lives matter! Police lives matter! All lives matter! Mix them all up and we have America. Mixed with different beautiful cultures. Lets face it amazing food. All lives will not be able to matter until we accept all lives. Stop the racism. Stop the discrimination. Stop the hatred. If you do not understand how some one lives or there culture then ask and find out. Learn and accept just because it is not your style or taste does not mean it is bad. It is just different.  As for police, I respect them and thank them for keeping us safe. Putting there lives on the line for us. As a nurse I know there are good ones and terrible ones in all lines of work. Just like people. What I hope and prey from them is they weed out the bad and corrupt. Do not act on fear when people are just speaking there voices and try to make change in the world. If you are afraid of what will happen then walk with them. Side by side as people trying to make a change. June is pride month. I believe this June should not just be about the LBGTQ community. I believe it should become more. Proud to be a united group of people who love and accept one another as a person. We was all made and created to love one another. To help one another in this beautiful world we was create from.  We was molded out of the earth and scattered around the country all made the same. It is not the color of the skin or outside appearances that makes a person. It is the color of there hearts.  Have friends of all colors and types. They have inspired me in one way or another. Seeing all types of people peacefully marching together made me proud. March on my friends! Destroying or burning down the world does not make a change. just remember as an American we have the right to vote who goes to office. I have never been one to watch or follow politics but, after this I believe I will start. To see who is in the office and over the corruption and who will weed it out. Vote this November make your voice heard. Use your power in the country to help build this back in to a united states. 


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