What is in the Cards?
Tarot reading is my favorite form of divination. The miss conception of it is that it tells the future. Yes and also no it doesn’t. Tarot reading is looking into a mirror of the person or yourself that your reading for at the time. It’s a reflection of the situation you are in a steps to manifest what you need to do. The spirits do choose the cards to help answer your questions. At the same time you have to take the advice be open to the message the spirits are trying to give you. Think of the cards as a tool they use to speak to you. Tarot cards have 2 types of cards. A major card that has huge meaning in your story. The minor cards that come in cups, wands, swords, and pentacles. Each with there own meaning and number.
To read them you have to take the meaning in consideration of the card, at times just the picture on the card can help tell you. The spirits will help as well if you are open and willing to listen. Listening to your intuition is a big part of reading the cards. Being open minded to the message. Tarot reading is like looking into the reflection of the person who you are reading. The situation they are in can be read into the cards. They help show you your truest self and the steps to take in the situation. They truly help raise the true issue of the situation and help you find the salutation to the problem or question they have. Like a message board.
If you are interested in tarot. There are many different apps and resources out that you can use. I recommend using Labyrinthos app it is a golden card tarot. It literally teaches you how to read the cards and memorize what the card means. Also getting cards that speak to you meaning, go put your hands on the deck and see if you feel a connection. A lot of book stores now have a section for tarot reading and cards. If the card is calling to you meaning you are drawn to it, then that is the one for you. Not saying you only can have one set. I have 5 now. Some I use more than others. I will say Oracle cards read a little different. They at times have an affirmation on them and have a broader meaning. I will do another post about those. Granted I do not use those a lot.
Picking out what card is best for you is a journey on its own. Like seasons you will have different ones for each part of your life. I hope this helps you understand and leads you to finding your own way. I would love to hear what cards you get and how your journey progresses. I do readings on TikToc and private readings upon request. Please find me there I give advise and show you the tools that I use. I show the Nightmare Before Christmas cards that I have. They are my favorites. Many blessing my friends. Blessed be.
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