The Call

I Love the questions I get when people find out that I practice the Arts of divination and magik.  The one that is the most difficult to explain is "How do you know you are a witch?" I was not raised to be one and no one else practices it in my family. It is something I stubbled upon on my own. I have taught myself.   I started looking into Wicca. Then it all went from there. I will say the call has always been there. I just had to have the nerve to answer the phone. 
Have you ever watched Halloween town? You know Marnie she loved Halloween to the point of almost obsession. I feel obsession is a strong word but I digress. She knew there was something special but needed her grandmother to show her. It is kind of like that. Except my grandmother was not a witch.   I knew there something about me different and special. I never knew what exactly it was. I knew I was not like other people. I have always found witches interesting and loved watching them on TV and Books.  One day Daniel mentioned that I practice a lot of things that resemble Wicca. At first I rejected it but was wondering what it was. 3 years later I am now writing about my awakening.  
The call is your intuition guiding you to where you belong. You just have to have the courage to  answer. I chose the wiccan path there are a dozen others paths to choose from. I have never felt more impowered and my confidence increase sense I chose this path.  I am still learning and growing finding out new things here an there. I educate myself through books, through online pages, and there are so many Groups on Facebook I get lost.  I encourage to educate yourself before doing anything. 
Have you heard the call? Have you been wondering why you are drown to witches and magik? Do you have the courage to answer the call?  Just listen to your heart it will guide you. Well my pretties I hope this helped ether confirm your call or help you understand what is going on. My pretties I send love and light to you with many blessings. Blessed be. 

I thought this was just a really cool picture


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